Kent County Volleyball Association
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The origins of structured volleyball in Kent can be traced to a man named Stan Hastie, who, at a meeting at Canterbury in June 1976, was instrumental in setting up the Kent and District Volleyball League (“KVL”).
Stan was an amiable Irishman who can properly be described as the father of Kentish volleyball, and was the first chairman of the KVL committee. The Kent Volleyball Association, later to become the Kent County Volleyball Association (“KCVA”) was conceived at the AGM of the KVL held at Northfleet Sports Centre on 6 May 1979 and first saw the light of day two weeks later on 20 May 1979 when, at its inaugural AGM, Stan Hastie agreed to act as its first secretary and Jim Baker was appointed as chairman.
Sadly, Stan is no longer with us but his memory is preserved in Kent Volleyball with the Men's KO Cup being named the Stan Hastie Cup.